Graven Hill Residents’ Association Formed

Graven Hill Residents Association

A successful inaugural Residents’ Association AGM was held via Zoom on Wednesday evening 23rd Sep 2020 (see the minutes here)

The Association is now formally in existence and who the residents are that hold positions on the respective committee:-

Chair:- Philip Sore (Westacott Road)
Secretary:- Christine Clynes (East Circular Road)
Treasurer:- Sam Omotayo (Bolero Gardens)

General Committee Members:-
Zakima Omotayo (Bolero Gardens)
Helen Baker (Read Place)
Susan Weston (Wood Crescent)
Stephen Aggett (Edmunds Drive)
Simon Kirkman (West Circular Road)
Eleanor Smith (Tancred Grove)
Max Dias-Gunawardens (Roberts Drive)


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